Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association


Technical/Computer System FAQ

  1. Why doesn't CPhA/RxTx support my web browser?

    In January, 2016, Microsoft announced that they were no longer supporting older versions of Internet Explorer including IE8 and IE9. Similarly, Firefox no longer supports versions below 59, and Safari no longer supports version below 6.x.

    While some features in RxTx may currently function properly with non-supported browsers, as CPhA releases new functionality for RxTx, it will be tested and certified only on the browsers listed below.

    Without critical browser security updates, your PC may become vulnerable to harmful viruses, spyware and other malicious software which can steal or damage your data and information. Businesses that are governed by regulatory obligations such as HIPAA should conduct due diligence to assess whether they are still able to satisfy compliance requirements using unsupported software.

    RxTx supports the following browsers.

    Windows: Internet Explorer 10 and higher, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

    Mac: Google Chrome, Safari

    Update your browser:

    Internet Explorer
    Mozilla Firefox
    Google Chrome

  2. What are the system requirements for RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics?

    Chrome 18+   
    Firefox 12+   
    Internet Explorer 10+
    Safari 6+
    Note these are desktop browsers.

  3. Will RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics run on a Mac?

    Yes, RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics will run on a Mac. The user must have a version of Safari no older than Safari 6.

  4. Why am I getting an error message when I try to establish a username and password?

    You cannot have a blank space, accented (French) character or certain special characters in your username or password. The special characters that aren't acceptable include + = ; < > / \ and , (comma).

  5. Is there a way that I can access my subscription without having to log in each time?

    Please contact Customer Service at 1-613-523-7877, within Canada 1-800-917-9489 or by email at for an encrypted URL that can be bookmarked

  6. I'm getting the message "Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer."  What do I do?

    Almost all web pages contain JavaScript, a scripting programming language that runs on visitor's web browser. It makes web pages functional for specific purposes and if disabled, the content or the functionality of the web page can be limited or unavailable. Click on the link below for instructions on how to enable JavaScript for commonly used browsers:

  7. Does RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics use cookies?

    We use cookies for session tracking, user authorization and analytics tracking.

  8. I have pop-up or ad blocking software enabled. Will this affect my ability to use RxTX/CPS/Therapeutics?

    Yes, pop-up blockers may affect your ability to use all the components and functionality of RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics.  If you have a blocker set, you will be notified and provided the opportunity to allow pop-ups for this particular site.

Content FAQ

  1. How often is content updated?

    Clinical content is updated weekly. CPhA may elect to perform an urgent update between scheduled releases.  All updates are automated behind the scenes, therefore users do not have to manually update content when it becomes available.

  2. How is the therapeutic information created?

    Each therapeutic topic is written by an expert author (physician or pharmacist) and is based on the best available evidence. CPhA employs a rigorous review process to ensure that the information is accurate and unbiased. Content is extensively reviewed and validated by skilled CPhA pharmacist editors and by two editorial review panel members who are recognized experts (physicians and pharmacists) in the particular clinical area.

  3. Why am I getting logged out of the site?

    RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics have a default timeout of 30 minutes. This means that if you are not active on the site during a 30-minute period you will be logged out automatically. When this happens you will see the message "Your session has timed out due to inactivity.  Please log in again to resume access to RxTx.”  

  4. I'm trying to access RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics but it says that my licence count has been reached. Why am I getting this message?

    This message will appear when the maximum number of concurrent users is reached. To avoid future access issues, you should consider increasing your licence count to accommodate the number of multiple users. To increase your licence count contact CPhA Customer Service by phone at 1-613-523-7877, within Canada at 1-800-917-9489 or by email at

  5. Why is a drug product not listed in the RxTx or CPS?

    Drug manufacturers decide whether or not they wish to have their drug monograph included in our content.  Therefore, if a drug product monograph is missing it would be because:

    • The manufacturer has not supplied CPhA with the product monograph for the drug, or
    • CPhA is currently working on the manufacturer's product monograph for inclusion in the next monthly update.
  6. Why do some monographs only have information under the “Supplied” or “Dosage Forms, Composition and Packaging” section?

    Although CPhA strives to provide the most comprehensive drug information in our application, the decision to publish full or abbreviated product monograph information remains with the manufacturers.

  7. Why do some monographs show CPhA as the author or supplier?

    CPhA strives to provide the most comprehensive drug information and therefore if there is no prescribing information on a drug or drug class, CPhA develops a CPhA Monograph. They are written by pharmacist editors at the Canadian Pharmacists Association and reviewed by expert pharmacists and physicians. The monographs may contain information different from that found in Health Canada–approved product monographs. Consult About Monograph Information in the About section found at the bottom of the portal.

  8. Are Human Blood and Blood Components monographs included in RxTx/CPS?

    The Human Blood and Blood Components Monographs are no longer accessible within RxTx/CPS. In 2007, Canadian Blood Services opted not to provide the Human Blood and Blood Components monographs for inclusion in our content. Consult the Canadian Blood Services information for more information.

  9. Can I give patients copies of the Information for the Patient pages?

    Although the Canadian Pharmacists Association maintains copyright for this compiled work, we grant permission to print and distribute individual pages for the purpose of providing information to patients.

  10. How do I get a better quality printout?

    Each therapeutic topic, CPS Drug Monograph, Patient Information Page and every table in a therapeutic topic contains a link to display a printable version of the content. Click the link to open the printable version of a topic, monograph or table. The printable version contains a print link. Click on the print link to open the print window.

    • When printing therapeutic topics that contain large drug tables change your page setup to print in landscape orientation. From the File menu, select Page Setup then select the Margins tab. In the Orientation section select Landscape, then click OK.
    • Certain topics in the Therapeutics section contain large figures that may be cut off in printing. To avoid this issue, you can reduce the page margins in your print settings. In your browser, select Page Settings from the File menu. In the Page Setup dialog box set the Left and Right margins to 0 (zero).

    If you are considering printing other information found in our application, please contact us at

  11. Does RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics use PDF files? What version of Adobe Acrobat do I need to view these PDFs?

    Some files in RxTx/CPS/Therapeutics may only be available in PDF, particularly where there are links to information made available from other organizations, such as Health Canada. All PDF files can be viewed using virtually any PDF reader; however, Adobe Acrobat Reader is typically the most trusted solution.

  12. How do I provide feedback or obtain customer support?

    You can contact Customer Service between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET using the following methods:

  13. What is the correct way to reference CPS for articles, journals or papers?

    To reference the entire CPS:
    CPS [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Pharmacists Association; c2016 [cited YYYY MMM DD]. Available from: or Also available in paper copy from the publisher.

    To reference part of CPS, such as a product monograph (e.g., Gleevec):
    CPS [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Pharmacists Association; c2016 [updated YYYY MMM DD; cited YYYY MMM DD]. Gleevec [product monograph]. Available from: or Also available in paper copy from the publisher.

  14. What is the correct way to reference therapeutic content for articles, journals or papers?

    To reference therapeutic content CPhA recommends using Vancouver style, which follows the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals as well as the National Library of Medicine Recommended Formats for Bibliographic Citation. Supplement: Internet Formats. Users may wish to reference the entire site or refer to a specific therapeutic topic.

    To reference the entire site:
    Therapeutics [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Pharmacists Association; c2016 [cited YYYY MMM DD]. Available from: Also available in paper copy from the publisher.

    To reference part of the therapeutic content, such as a specific therapeutic topic (where chronic fatigue syndrome is provided as an example of a therapeutic topic):
    Mann E.  Chronic fatigue syndrome. In: Therapeutics [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Pharmacists Association; c2016 [updated MMM YYYY; cited YYYY MMM DD]. Available from: Also available in paper copy from the publisher.

  15. Can I print sections of drug monographs?

    Yes. The printable version allows you to print out selected sections of a monograph. When you click on the printer icon in the tool bar, a new window will open containing that monograph along with a selection of printable sections. All sections show a checkmark to the left of the section header by default. To de-select a section header, click on the checkmark. All section headers will display, along with the checkmark of those sections that were selected, on the final printed document.

  16. I have some suggestions for improvements. How can I send them to you?

    We always welcome enhancement suggestions! Please select the “Feedback” button at the bottom left-hand side of the screen and fill out the form. Thanks!

  17. Where do I submit a specific bug or issue I found in RxTx?
    Your feedback is always important to us. Please select the “Feedback” button at the bottom left-hand side of the screen and fill out the form. Thanks!  

  18. I would like to integrate the CPhA content directly into my clinical management system.  Can that be done?

    CPhA is currently developing the various business and functional requirements around integrating our content with any Canadian clinical management system (EMR, hospital systems, pharmacy management systems, etc.). For more information, please contact Kristina Belyea,Key Account Executive, Sales and Development at or 1-800-917-9489 ext. 233.