Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association

PAM Resources

Below you will find a range of resources to help you celebrate and promote Pharmacy Appreciation Month (PAM).

PAM logo


Open PAM Social Jpg

Social media posts 

Sample posts you can use during PAM. Feel free to customize them to fit your organization. Be specific in your examples and highlight services available in your province/territory. Remember to use the hashtag #PAM2025 in your posts.

Pharmacy Appreciation Month is the annual national campaign that shines a spotlight on all things pharmacy. Celebrated each March, #PAM2025 is a time to highlight the growing role pharmacy professionals play in our health-care system and thank them for their extraordinary efforts!

Happy Pharmacy Appreciation Month! Pharmacy professionals have grown their roles as prescribers, as immunizers and as the first point of contact to the health-care system for patients across the country!  #PAM2025

Let’s help Canadians appreciate their #pharmacy teams this March during Pharmacy Appreciation Month! Visit for some resources to get you started! #PAM2025

It’s Pharmacy Appreciation Month! Your pharmacy team at [insert name of pharmacy or handle] provides you with care close to home. This month we’re celebrating the #pharmacy professionals who make that possible! #PAM2025

March is Pharmacy Appreciation Month. Next time you’re at our pharmacy take a few minutes to ask us how we can help you manage your health. #PAM2025

Pharmacists are your medication experts and so much more. Ask a pharmacist during Pharmacy Appreciation Month about all the ways they can help you improve your health. #PAM2025

Social media cover photos

Email Signature

Open PAM Email Signature Jpg

Zoom/virtual meeting background

Open PAM zoom jpg

#MyFavePharm Contest

Social media graphic

Open PAM Contest 1 Jpg


Open PAM Contest Poster PDF